power spectral density (psd)中文什么意思

发音:   用"power spectral density (psd)"造句
  • power:    n. 1.力,力量;能力;体力,精力 ...
  • spectral:    adj. 1.鬼的;鬼怪(似)的。 ...
  • density:    n. 1.稠密;浓厚。 2.【物理学 ...
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  1. 3 . the frequency differences are determined by both the power spectral density ( psd ) and cepstrum of ambient vibration measurements . a matlab - based toolbox is developed , in which the differences of the higher adjacent frequencies can be easily evaluated
    3 .使用功率谱频差法和倒频谱频差法,开发了基于matlab平台的斜拉索环境振动基频识别gui工具箱。
  2. For sand , glass bean , quartz sand and pvc , pressure fluctuations were measured at different conditions . furthermore , statistics analysis , power spectral density ( psd ) analysis and chaos analysis of pressure fluctuations in gas - solid cfb were conducted . an investigation of the effect of circulating solid flux , superficial gas velocity , height from riser bottom and particle property on the parameters ( e . g
  3. Some characteristics of the measured wind pressure field were discussed , including distributions of wind pressure , the effects of shape ratio on total wind force coefficients , auto - and cross - power spectral density ( psd ) distributions of fluctuating wind pressure , characteristics of the proper orthogonal decomposition ( pod ) results of the measured wind pressure field , effects of reynolds number on wind pressure distributions , etc
  4. Moreover , we put forward many schemes to erase errors such as static error , dynamic error , or make them little . especially we dicuss how to deal with the phase - shifting cell ( pzt ) and interferogram . in the end we bring forward two methods to estimate the contour of piano : one is traditional parameter , the other is power spectral density ( psd )


  1. power spectra display 什么意思
  2. power spectral 什么意思
  3. power spectral analysis 什么意思
  4. power spectral analyzer 什么意思
  5. power spectral density 什么意思
  6. power spectral density analysis 什么意思
  7. power spectral density analyzer 什么意思
  8. power spectral density function 什么意思
  9. power spectral density level 什么意思
  10. power spectral density method 什么意思


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